Why I Started This Blog

After I had created this blog, my dad asked me why I wanted to write stuff on the internet. I didn’t know how to answer him. I knew I wanted to talk about Jesus. I knew I wanted to talk about orphans and other people in need. I knew I wanted to write about life in general. So how did I answer him? I said “I don’t know”. I knew, I just felt awkward saying it out loud. I felt silly. Thinking back on that night, the reason I’m writing this is not only because I want to talk about those things but also so that when I do, it will be normal.

8 responses to “Why I Started This Blog

  1. Alex,

    I haven’t been able to read all of your entries but I am impressed so far. You are a very talented writer AND, more importantly (according to Mr. and Mrs. Roberts who taught your mom and me at Menchville High School) you write well. Clear, concise, and well structured writing is powerful.

    Keep it up!


    Uncle Bill

  2. I am so impressed by a 17-year-old male with so much conviction about writing about Jesus…I saw your dad comment on my friend’s Facebook page and thought I would check out ur blog…Keep inspiring so many other people…especially young people who are often so lost at ur age. i have a 16-yr-old daughter myself. I will recommend your site for her to follow…

    God Bless…

    -Kia Morgan Smith

  3. Just surfed by on the net and read a bit about your blog, and comments by your uncle, etc. Keep up the good grammar and follow your heart. This advice from a 59 1/2 year old male.

  4. Thank you alex your words made me think.


  5. Hi there i came across your blog it’s really nice i like what i saw God bless you, I find intresting we have the same reason why we created blogs. I have a blog called Gospel house, it’s in portuguese but i have translation bar in the blog…maybe u can visit sometimes too. Anyways, your blog will bless a lot of people i believe, dont give up. God bless your work!

  6. i love to write and as i can see you are pretty amazing at it…please check this out and give me feedback on my writing and the general message and if you like it please help me share it with others by showing them my blog…here it is


  7. you are and amazing writer…please check out my blog and give me feedback…if you like it tell your friends


  8. shelley behr

    Hey Alex,

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